Thursday, January 31, 2013

Arcade Game Around The World Brings New Adventures To Casino Players

The casino game, Around The World has many things in common with roulette. But this is not a variant of the said game. Instead, it falls under the arcade games category.

The main objective in Around the World is to predict whether the next number will show a higher or lower value.

Players, however, must be very careful when choosing. The game ends when the player makes 2 incorrect guesses.

Nevertheless, the game has other features, which makes winning easier. These are:
·        Remove strike – it removes the “strikes” or incorrect guess committed by the player
·        Advance one step –  the player moves a step ahead
·        Advance level – the player skips one level

Playing Around The World is indeed, one of the best ways to sit back, play, relax and win. 


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