Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Malaysian Roulette Players Get “Dopey” Strategy

The Dopey experiment is a stress-free and easy strategy in roulette. Malaysia players will have a good time applying this betting system. This is despite of the fact that it does not promise to increase one’s winning possibilities.

Unique and unusual
Andres Martinez, who is a lawyer-journalist developed the Dopey experiment. This came out after spending a considerable amount of time, living along the Las Vegas strip.

Unlike other betting systems, the only promise that it guarantees is that players will definitely enjoy the game.

Using the experiment
The Dopey experiment works on a very simple principle: divide the bankroll into 35 and bet on a particular number or number range or color.

When choosing, players can freely incorporate their beliefs and betting traditions, which makes the system, flexible.

Why 35?
Thirty-five (35) corresponds to the number of bets players can place on the roulette wheel. Since the bankroll shall be divided by this number, this lets the member stick to their bets and manage their resources properly.

Dopey experiment may not be that appealing, but sure, it sounds a lot of fun!


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