Wednesday, September 18, 2013

12BET Casino Levels Up with Innovations from Opus Gaming

Asia’s premier online casino hub, 12BET, has given its players the most exciting experience for live games. There is no other casino provider out there that could parallel the smooth gradations that 12BET employs to its gaming platforms, whether it is baccarat, poker, roulette, or any other game that is played best when “live.” As if the fun and rewards from these units were not yet ample, 12BET is now making new milestones to innovate its already impressive deals. In partnership with industry-leading game developer Opus Gaming, the online casino is proud to present its newly created Diamond Club—an online station for the most esteemed gamers who want to take a ride on a series of games (standards and new ones) embellished with modern technological touches.

12bet casino

At 12BET’s Diamond Club, players are given the options to view their video-based gaming windows in a variety of means: 2D, 3D, multi-table, or seven-seat 3D. This is pure technological revolution at its finest, telling customer’s casino story in a high-quality video medium.

The 2D option is 12Bet’s way to allow customers to play their session the same way they play in the old live club. That is, they go around their game with a live dealer (ladies who are presentably dressed) flashed on a small video screen on their gaming window. The cards she handles are then displayed and enlarged via computer-generated images for clarity purposes. This best suits players who are not yet ready to experience new introductions, and whose casino needs can still be satisfied by this traditional model.

As for the 3D feature, players will have the opportunity to experience their live session with a larger, much clearer video that puts them “closer to reality.” Unlike in the traditional video set-up, the Diamond Club 3D video allows players to see their table in its entirety. There is no need to magnify the card via computer-simulated images as the cards themselves can already be seen clearly. Because the video offers a bigger video window, players indulge in the game a lot more attentively.

For players who are excellent at multi-tasking and enjoy playing multiple games simultaneously, the Diamond Club Multi-Table session will serve their purpose best. Here, players are allowed to play and “watch” several games live in a single game window. Exciting perks do not fade here, and the multi-gaming atmosphere ensures that players will never run out of choices.

Players who want to experience a combination of 3D qualities and other casino features may choose to set their game in the Seven-Seat 3D video. High-quality images cloak this game session, in addition to an interactive communication with croupiers, mutual collaboration with other live players, and a sizable string of options for players’ gaming needs.

12Bet really makes it a point to put customer convenience first above anything else. With the arrival of the Diamond Club, superior-quality gaming experience can now be achieved single-handedly. Register now with 12BET and learn more about the new club.


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