Thursday, September 18, 2014

Blackjack’s 4 Basic Moves And What You Need To Know About Them

It is no longer a secret that blackjack is the only casino game that can be beaten legally. Card counting’s discovery triggered the rise of different strategies meant to outsmart the game.

But even if you are not a card counting expert, you can easily take advantage of blackjack via familiarizing yourself with blackjack basics.

And by blackjack basics, this does not only pertain to the sole objective of the game, which is to secure a hand that has a total value of twenty-one (21) or better. This also translates to having a better understanding as to when you can implement or observe some of the basic blackjack moves such as taking a hit, standing, doubling down and splitting.

Knowing the right time as to when you can apply those moves will readily change the way you see and play blackjack.

When you make a hit, this means you are asking for additional cards. Usually, it is best to perform this move if your total card value is eleven (11) or lower.

Making a stand in blackjack is the exact opposite of hitting. This means that you will no longer ask for another card. Oftentimes, this is performed if your total hand value is 17 or higher. This is better instead of taking the risk of being busted.

Double down
Doubling down meant that you are placing another wager that is equal to your initial bet. It is best to double down if your total hand value equates to eleven (11).

Splitting takes place when you have a pair. Splitting is one of the most effective ways to lower your risks of losing.

Learning how the above-mentioned blackjack moves work is important. It saves you from wasting your resources due to placing wagers that are not well thought of.


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