Friday, August 8, 2014

Video Poker Fun Facts And Trivia: What Made Video Poker More Interesting

Video Poker is one of the certified hit games in online casinos. It is easy to understand and profitable. This casino game is often compared to slot machines since their underlying mechanics are similar. It is not so surprising though since the famous inventor of the slot machine, Charles Fey is also the man behind video poker.

Video poker came to life when Fey introduced the “draw” option in the slot machine. Here, the player can stop one of the reels from spinning, while letting the remaining ones do their thing. Video poker became a huge success, but much of its credits is given to Si Redd, who mass produced the said game.

Nowadays, this game has become the staple of both online and land-based casinos. And to make your video poker experience more memorable, here is a list of fun facts and trivia that you want to know:

Draw Poker
Draw poker is the first known video poker game that was made available to the public.

Prior to calling it video poker, the game was initially called as poker slots. Again, the slot machine’s influence in this game cannot be taken out of the picture.

This big win started with a mere $5 bet. The player multiplied the prize after a successful double up.

The payout
Video poker has a high payout. Usually, it ranges from 95% to 98%s.

Twenty percent (20% ) of the first hand dealt under this video poker variant generates a win.

It is estimated that around 25 video poker variants have been created since its release.

With the excitement and huge prizes that video poker offers, missing this casino game is something that smart players cannot afford. Considering the huge payout it offers and the simplicity of this game, indeed, video poker is one of the best games that every play will encounter. 


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