Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Four things you probably did not know about Baccarat

Baccarat has been existing ever since the Middle Ages, thanks to Felix Falguiere who invented what has eventually become one of the most popular casino games in the world and of all time. From its birth in France in the 15th century, it is now a staple game across a spectrum of gaming platforms, such as brick-and-mortar casinos, TV games shows, and increasingly, the Internet.


However, despite the game’s simplicity, there are still a few things that the world might not know about the game. Here are four facts about baccarat that you will surely find interesting:

1. The precursor of baccarat was an ancient Etruscan ritual that involved a young blonde virgin who was required to throw a nine-sided die to decide her own fate: an eight or a nine would make her a priestess, a six or seven would exempt her from any religious activity and live a free life, while a five or less would mean her death.

2. In the period just before the reign of Napoleon Bonaparte, baccarat was considered a tool for charitable and philanthropic causes in France. The game, played mainly by the nobility, was subject for taxation and some of the proceeds were given to the less fortunate.

3. In the 1920s, a group of expert baccarat players called “The Greek Syndicate” almost put some of France’s casinos to bankruptcy. Led by a Greek engineer, the multi-ethnic group used mathematical analyses, body language interpretation, and card counting to win their games. 

4. The game’s name is believed to have been derived from the Italian word “baccara,” which means zero or nothing—the most common value among the cards (tens, Kings, Queens, and Jacks are all valued at zero).

To learn more about e-games, wagering options, and the online casino industry in general, visit this blog by 12BET.


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